Professor Michael Gentzel recently published a paper, titled Biased Face Recognition Technology Used by Government: A Problem for Liberal Democracy.
News & Events
Professor Karapanagiotis’s New Book “Branding Bhakti: Krishna Consciousness and the Makeover of a Movement” Featured on a Podcast
The Podcast is for the New Books Network, Indian Religions.
Professor Agule
Dr. Craig Agule has been named the recipient of a Regional Faculty Fellowship with the Wolf Humanities Center at the University of Pennsylvania during the 2020-21 academic year.
Dr. Betz writes about Camus’ The Plague during the pandemic
See the review here.
Read Dr. Betz’s article, “Across the Great Divide: Father and Daughter Philosophers”
Across the Great Divide: Father and Daughter Philosophers | Blog of the APA
Spring 2020 Newsletter
Spring 2020 Newsletter