What Do Philosophers Do?

An interesting article in the Atlantic magazine:   https://www.theatlantic.com/business/archive/2014/07/what-do-philosophers-do/374036/

Welcome to Dr. Nicole Karapanagiotis

The Department of Philosophy and Religion extends a warm welcome to our newest faculty member, Dr. Nicole Karapanagiotis, Assistant Professor of Religion. Dr. Karapanagiotis joins the Department in Fall 2015 as a specialist in Hinduism, ritual, and technology. She is currently writing a book entitled Does Cyber-Smoke Reach the Gods? Online Hinduism and the Tensions … Continue reading Welcome to Dr. Nicole Karapanagiotis

Open House

Wednesday, October 2, 2013, from 12:10-1:10 PM in the Seminar Room in 429 Cooper Street. Meet new faculty in history and philosophy, hear about upcoming events, and give us ideas about classes and topics that you’d be interested in seeing developed on campus. This is a great opportunity to get to know students and faculty … Continue reading Open House

Careers for Philosophy & Religion Majors

On Monday, September 23rd the Office of Academic Advising will co-sponsor an event for students majoring in Philosophy and Religion to provide ideas and resources regarding post-graduate career strategies and options. Please join us from 12:10-1:20 PM in Armitage Hall, Room 124 for this session. Lunch provided.